
Pregnancy Massage

  /    /  Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

A 2010 study © found that regular, light massage performed by someone at home or a massage therapist may contribute to a healthy mental state and reduced leg and back pain.

A weekly 1h massage by a professional, or 30 minute massages by someone at home, may be sufficient to reduce anxiety and stress as well as physical symptoms of pregnancy.

The study also found that 15-minute massages during every hour of labor may also shorten the overall time spent in labor and reduce the amount of medication you need.


  • Massages can lead to many benefits, including:
  • Stress reduction
  • Pain reduction
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Release of muscle tension.

If you’re pregnant, your doctor or a massage therapist may discourage massage during your first trimester or if you have high blood pressure, a high-risk pregnancy, or have recently had surgery. Find someone who specializes in prenatal massage to ensure that you receive a massage that’s healthy and safe for pregnancy.





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